
Guide to the Microfilm Edition

Collection Summary


This microfilm edition consists primarily of correspondence between John Adams, Abigail Adams, Samuel Adams, James Warren, and Mercy Otis Warren written before, during, and after the Revolutionary War.

Collection Description

The microfilm edition of the Warren-Adams papers, 1767-1822, consists primarily of letters between John Adams; Abigail Adams; Samuel Adams; Massachusetts legislator James Warren; and author, historian, and patriot Mercy Otis Warren. Dating primarily from the time of the Revolutionary War, the papers document the shaping of the new government and the growing alienation between Great Britain and the mainland American colonies. Subjects include the Townshend duties, the Boston Massacre, the Boston Tea Party, the battles of Lexington and Bunker Hill, the political activities of John and Samuel Adams, military and naval affairs, commercial policy, negotiations with foreign powers, problems of the Confederation period, and the ratification of the federal Constitution. The collection also contains letters discussing family matters and social activities. Among the correspondents are James Bowdoin, John Dickinson, Elbridge Gerry, Henry Knox, Arthur Lee, and George Washington.

The microfilm does not include letters from the Adams Family Papers. All items are individually described in the MHS manuscript catalog.

Other Formats

Most of the letters in this microfilm edition have been published in the Massachusetts Historical Society's Collections, vol. 72-73, entitled Warren-Adams Letters: Being Chiefly a Correspondence Among John Adams, Samuel Adams, and James Warren (Boston, 1917-1925). Printed in these two volumes are letters addressed to James Warren and Mercy Otis Warren, formerly in the possession of Winslow Warren, and letters from James Warren to John Adams in the Adams Family Papers. The latter are not included in this microfilm edition.

Many of the items in this microfilm edition have been published in the Adams Papers printed edition.

Letters between John Adams and Mercy Otis Warren, July-Aug. 1807, about her History of the Rise, Progress and Termination of the American Revolution have been printed in the Massachusetts Historical Society's Collections, 5th ser., vol. 4 (Boston, 1878).

Chronological List of Items

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 5 Dec. 1767

Letter from John Dickinson to James Otis about the first of his Farmer's Letters and the need for united action by the colonies.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, [25 Jan. 1768]

Letter from John Dickinson to James Otis about the text of the Farmer's Letters to be used in copying them for newspaper publication. Signature clipped.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 11 Apr. 1768

Letter from John Dickinson to James Otis about his letter to the citizens of Boston and the growing response in the colonies to the cause of liberty.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, [July 1768]

Letter from John Dickinson to James Otis about political developments in Maryland. Signature clipped.

Reel 1
London, 27 Apr. 1769

Letter from Catharine Macaulay Graham to James Otis presenting him with a copy of her history and with an assurance of British liberals' sympathy with the colonies.

Reel 1
Boston, 25 Mar. 1771

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about political news from England and comparing Hutchinson and Caesar.

Reel 1
Boston, 13 Apr. 1772

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about the proposed message to the governor from the House on moving the General Court back to Boston.

Reel 1
Boston, 4 Nov. 1772

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about the action of a recent town meeting in setting up a committee of correspondence.

Reel 1
Boston, 27 Nov. 1772

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about reactions in Plymouth, etc., to the Boston vote for creating a committee of correspondence.

Reel 1
Boston, 9 Dec. 1772

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about the move for committees of correspondence in various Massachusetts towns and the harmony in patriot ranks in Boston.

Reel 1
Boston, 16 July 1773

Letter from Abigail Adams to Mercy Otis Warren about her recent visit at Plymouth and educational problems confronting them as parents.

Reel 1
Boston, 5-11 Dec. 1773

Letter from Abigail Adams to Mercy Otis Warren about the arrival of the East India Company's tea in Boston, the growing prospect of the colonies resorting to arms, and her views on Molière.

Reel 1
Boston, 17 Dec. 1773

Letter from John Adams to James Warren about the Boston Tea Party.

Reel 1
Boston, 22 Dec. 1773

Letter from John Adams to James Warren about the action of the governor and council on the Boston Tea Party, political sentiment in Worcester County, and the tea at Provincetown.

Reel 1
Boston, 28 Dec. 1773

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about the growing approval of the conduct of Bostonians and reports on tea shipments to other colonial ports.

Reel 1

Letter from Abigail Adams to Mercy Otis Warren about Warren's satirical writing.

Reel 1
Braintree, 3 Jan. 1774

Letter from John Adams to Mercy Otis Warren about his increased absorption in public business and the likelihood that arms will supplant law as the protector of American liberty.

Reel 1
Boston, 10 Jan. 1774

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about public opinion in Plymouth, the removal of the tea at Provincetown to the Castle, and the likelihood of Hutchinson's return to England.

Reel 1
Boston, 31 Mar. 1774

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about the latest news from England and steps taken for the establishment of a post office "upon constitutional principles." Signature clipped.

Reel 1
Boston, 9 Apr. 1774

Letter from John Adams to James Warren about Mercy Otis Warren's poetical gifts and the increasing humiliation of the Tories. Signed by Adams: "John and Abigail Adams."

Reel 1
Boston, 14 May 1774

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about the Boston Port Bill.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 21 May 1774

Letter from [Samuel Adams] to James Warren urging that Boston avoid, for the present, "blood and tumult."

Reel 1
Braintree, 17 July 1774

Letter from John Adams to James Warren about the Continental Congress, his inadequacy as a politician, the probable effect of a non-importation policy, and the danger to the colonies of a non-exportation policy.

Reel 1
Braintree, 25 July 1774

Letter from John Adams to James Warren about his enjoyment of "the chaste pleasures of agriculture" and the contrast between the extremity of the American crisis and the moderateness of the measures likely to be taken by the Continental Congress.

Reel 1
11 Sep. 1774

Letter from Catharine Macaulay Graham to Mercy Otis Warren assuring her that the "genius of liberty" has not wholly disappeared in England.

Reel 1
Marblehead, 28 Sep. 1774

Letter from Elbridge Gerry to Samuel A. Otis about Otis's business transactions.

Reel 1
Concord, 14 Oct. 1774

Letter from James Warren to Mercy Otis Warren about the Massachusetts Provincial Congress.

Reel 1
Braintree, 3 Jan. 1775

Letter from John Adams to James Warren about the resolves of the Maryland Provincial Convention.

Reel 1
Braintree, 15 Mar. 1775

Letter from John Adams to James Warren about his satisfaction at not being elected to the Provincial Congress, signs of the effectiveness of American measures against England, and measures adopted by Braintree.

Reel 1
Braintree, 15 Mar. 1775

Letter from John Adams to Mercy Otis Warren about the use and value of satire.

Reel 1
Concord, 6 Apr. 1775

Letter from James Warren to Mercy Otis Warren about the unfavorable aspect of the political situation and warlike appearances at Concord.

Reel 1
Watertown, 18 May 1775

Letter from James Warren to Mercy Otis Warren about the Provincial Congress's hesitation to discard the royal government.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 21 May 1775

Letter from John Adams to James Warren about the pressure of work in Congress and the Philadelphia edition of Mercy Otis Warren's The Group.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 26 May 1775

Letter from John Adams to James Warren about two men from Maryland wishing to spend the summer with the troops before Boston.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 7 June 1775

Letter from John Adams to James Warren about the Canadian and Native American problems.

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Reel 1
Philadelphia, 10 June 1775

Letter from John Adams to James Warren about the Philadelphia militia and the importance of cleanliness among officers of the army, etc.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 10 June 1775

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about the effect in England of news of Concord and Lexington and the necessity for moving slowly in Congress.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 18 June 1775

Letter from John Hancock to James Warren about the appointment of Washington as commander-in-chief and other military measures taken by Congress.

Reel 1
Watertown, 18 June 1775

Letter from James Warren to Mercy Otis Warren about Bunker Hill and its aftermath and plans for discarding the royal government.

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Reel 1
Philadelphia, 20? June 1775

Letter from Samuel Adams to Dr. Joseph Warren about military measures taken by Congress, etc.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 20 June 1775

Letter from John Adams to James Warren about military measures taken by Congress and Washington's review of the Philadelphia militia.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 21 June 1775

Letter from John Adams to Dr. Joseph Warren about military measures taken by Congress, etc.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 27 June 1775

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about receipt of news of Bunker Hill and plans for sending powder and troops to Massachusetts.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 28 June 1775

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about news of Bunker Hill and with a defense of Gen. Lee's appointment.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 2 July 1775

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about the inadequacy of the news sent to the Massachusetts delegates at Philadelphia.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 6 July 1775

Letter from John Adams to James Warren about some military measures taken by Congress. Misdated June 6.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 6 July 1775

Letter from John Adams to James Warren about some military measures taken by Congress, the death of Joseph Warren, and the present necessity for a seemingly vacillating policy in Congress. Misdated June 6.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 10 July 1775

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about proceedings in Congress.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 11-23 July 1775

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about proceedings in Congress.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 23 July 1775

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about difficulties encountered by Congress in determining precedence among generals.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 24 July 1775

Letter from John Adams to Abigail Adams and James Warren. Contemporary copies of the famous intercepted letters, with another copy of each.

Another copy of each in Jeremy Belknap's Commonplace-Book B, pp. 25-27.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 24 July 1775

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about the inadequacy of reports sent to Massachusetts delegates in Congress and an appointment for his son as army surgeon.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 26 July 1775

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about his surprise at the appointment of Joseph P. Palmer as quartermaster general.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 26 July 1775

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about appointments of a quartermaster general and other Continental officers.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 27 July 1775

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about Warren's appointment as paymaster general, etc.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 30 July 1775

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about Warren's appointment as paymaster general, etc.

Reel 1
Cambridge, 6 Aug. 1775

Letter from George Washington to James Warren about steps for Benjamin Hichborn's release and John Adams's intercepted letters. Signature clipped.

Reel 1
Watertown, 9 Aug. 1775

Letter from James Warren to Mercy Otis Warren about local military news and an episode of the British man-of-war at Marblehead.

Reel 1
Braintree, 26 Aug. 1775

Letter from John Adams to Mercy Otis Warren about the pleasures of his holiday.

Reel 1
Braintree, 27 Aug. 1775

Letter from Abigail Adams to Mercy Otis Warren about her husband's impending return to Philadelphia.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 17 Sep. 1775

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about Hancock's marriage and Samuel Adams as a horseback rider.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 19 Sep. 1775

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about changes in the Virginia delegation in Congress.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 26 Sep. 1775

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about saltpeter supplies and his desire for release from public service.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 26 Sep. 1775

Letter from [John Adams] to Mercy Otis Warren about his recently intercepted letters.

Reel 1
Braintree, 28 Sep. 1775

Letter from Abigail Adams to Mercy Otis Warren about her mother's critical illness.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 28 Sep. 1775

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about submitting to Congress an account of Massachusetts war expenditures.

Reel 1
28 Sep. 1775

Letter from James Warren to Samuel Adams about John Adams's "fondness for Fame and Glory."

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 30 Sep. 1775

Letter from John Adams to James Warren about the Congressional committee coming to Cambridge.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, Oct. 1775

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about proposals for an American monarchy.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 1 Oct. 1775

Letter from John Adams to James Warren about domestic problems arising out of his mother-in-law's illness.

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Reel 1
Philadelphia, 2 Oct. 1775

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about the necessity for greater secrecy about events in Congress and with an assurance of firm measures ahead.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 3 Oct. 1775

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about the Congressional investigating committee.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 7 Oct. 1775

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about American commercial policy and the possibility of negotiations with foreign powers.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 7 Oct. 1775

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about political news from England.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 8 Oct. 1775

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about suggestions for blocking Boston Harbor and Canadian problems.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 10 Oct. 1775

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about reports of British fortifications in Boston and the hopeful prospect for the Canadian expedition.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 10 Oct. 1775

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about British military plans reported from England.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 12 Oct. 1775

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about sending detailed accounts of shipping losses, with a memorandum proposing American raids on British powder supplies in the West Indies.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 13 Oct. 1775

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about his opinion of Gen. Lee, Benjamin Church's treachery, and Congress's attitude of determination in American commercial policy.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 13 Oct. 1775

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about Benjamin Church's treachery.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 13 Oct. 1775

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about Benjamin Church's treachery and a report that Amherst is to succeed Howe.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 18 Oct. 1775

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about Benjamin Church's treachery, Dr. Morgan's appointment as surgeon general, and the Congressional committee to compile an account of British depredations since March 1775.

Reel 1
Braintree, 19 Oct. 1775

Letter from Abigail Adams to Mercy Otis Warren about her desire for news from Watertown and Church's treachery.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 19 Oct. 1775

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about proposals to build an American navy.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 19 Oct. 1775

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about the failure of the Massachusetts authorities to send desired reports to Congress.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 19 Oct. 1775

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about American commercial policy.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 19 Oct. 1775

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about the Canadian expedition.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 20 Oct. 1775

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about American commercial policy.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 20 Oct. 1775

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about John McPherson's mission to the American army.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 21 Oct. 1775

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about American saltpeter supplies.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 21 Oct. 1775

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about two men from Philadelphia on a visit to the American army.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 23 Oct. 1775

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about his mother-in-law's death and his desire for a complete report of Massachusetts expenditures and losses.

Reel 1
24 Oct. 1775

Letter from John Adams, as a member of a committee of Congress, to James Warren asking for a report on Massachusetts losses since March 1775 as a result of British military and naval action.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 24 Oct. 1775

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about Peyton Randolph's death.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 24 Oct. 1775

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about the difficulty of determining the reasons for a politician's actions.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 25 Oct. 1775

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about supplies of saltpeter, sulfur, etc.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 25 Oct. 1775

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about Dr. John Morgan, successor to Benjamin Church.

Reel 1
25 Oct. 1775

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about a commission for the elder son of the governor of Rhode Island.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 28 Oct. 1775

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about problems connected with the enforcement of the ban on Anglo-American commerce.

Reel 1
Braintree, Nov. 1775

Letter from Abigail Adams to Mercy Otis Warren about Benjamin Church, etc.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 4 Nov. 1775

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about measures passed by Congress and the importance of maintaining a high standard of government and a good school system.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 5 Nov. 1775

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren inquiring about Massachusetts naval resources in men, ships, etc.

Reel 1
Cambridge, 1 Dec. 1775

Letter from James Winthrop to James Warren about additional Massachusetts militia called out to replace Connecticut troops leaving upon the expiration of their term of service.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 3 Dec. 1775

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about army pay and his recommendation of Thomas Crafts, Jr., and George Trott for commissions.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 5? Dec. 1775

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about a grant by Congress to Massachusetts, Dunmore's activities in Virginia, and the need for public spirit in the Provincial Congress.

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Reel 1
Philadelphia, 26 Dec. 1775

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about advancing the principles of free government, criticisms of the Massachusetts Council, and the need for close control by the people over all governing bodies.

Reel 1
Plymouth, Jan. 1776

Letter from Mercy Otis Warren to Martha Washington urging Washington to come to her house in Plymouth if any emergency requires leaving Cambridge.

Reel 1
4 Jan. 1776

Letter from Elizabeth Erving Bowdoin to Mercy Otis Warren.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 7 Jan. 1776

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about the importance of an effective militia organization, powder and saltpeter supplies, and the status of the plan for a confederation.

Reel 1
Cambridge, 7 Jan. 1776

Letter from George Washington to James Warren about a letter from his wife to Mercy Otis Warren.

Reel 1
Braintree, 8 Jan. 1776

Letter from John Adams to Mercy Otis Warren about her skill at writing characters and his preference for a republican form of government. Signature clipped.

Reel 1
Cambridge, 8 Jan. 1776

Letter from Martha Washington to Mercy Otis Warren acknowledging Warren's offer of a refuge in Plymouth in case of emergency.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 10 Jan. 1776

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about legalizing a restricted export of fish, steps for procuring the release of James Lovell, and Paine's Common Sense.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 11 Feb. 1776

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren granting Warren permission to open his letters.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 18 Feb. 1776

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about political and military measures by Congress with regard to Canada.

Reel 1
Middleborough, 23 Feb. 1776

Letter from James Bowdoin to James Warren asking for the loan of Paine's Common Sense.

Reel 1
28 Feb. 1776

Letter from James Bowdoin to Mercy Otis Warren about Common Sense.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 3 Mar. 1776

Letter from [Samuel Adams] to James Warren denying that he and John Adams worked for the elimination of Thomas Cushing as a Massachusetts delegate to Congress.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 21 Mar. 1776

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about American commercial policy and steps taken to lessen the political power of the Philadelphia Quakers.

Reel 1
Middleborough, 23 Mar. 1776

Letter from James Bowdoin to Mercy Otis Warren about the British commission to negotiate with the colonies and the importance of a declaration of American independence as the basis of a lasting settlement.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 29 Mar. 1776

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about Boston defenses.

Reel 1
Cambridge, 2 Apr. 1776

Letter from Martha Washington to Mercy Otis Warren declining a dinner invitation. Signature clipped.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 3 Apr. 1776

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about British military movements at New York and the need for speedy dispatch of Massachusetts troops.

Reel 1
Braintree, 13 Apr. 1776

Letter from Abigail Adams to Mercy Otis Warren about her difficulties during her husband's absence.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 16 Apr. 1776

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about Boston Harbor defenses, judicial appointments in Massachusetts, and reports of a growing desire for a declaration of independence.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 16 Apr. 1776

Letter from [John Adams] to Mercy Otis Warren about virtue as a requisite in a republic and the approach of the time for a complete political revolution.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 16 Apr. 1776

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about his impatience at the delay in declaring American independence.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 20 Apr. 1776

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about growth in the South of the demand for independence and with an account of how his Thoughts on Government came to be written and published.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 22 Apr. 1776

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about the steady movement toward a declaration of independence and with advice to Massachusetts to change its constitution and instruct its delegates to vote for independence.

Reel 1
Braintree, 27 Apr. 1776

Letter from Abigail Adams to Mercy Otis Warren about working for a greater degree of women's rights under the new political set-up.

Reel 1
[May 1776]

Letter from Abigail Adams to Mercy Otis Warren urging that James Warren accept his appointment to the bench.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 12 May 1776

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about the reaction to his Thoughts on Government, the Massachusetts Constitution, and suggestions about the choice of a governor.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 12 May 1776

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about Boston Harbor defenses and the need for more active political propaganda in Massachusetts.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 15 May 1776

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about the vote of Congress calling for governments in the individual colonies independent of England, the need for confederation, and recruiting in New England.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 18 May 1776

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about military measures in Massachusetts and the collapse of American hopes regarding Canada.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 20 May 1776

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about the growing trend toward a declaration of independence.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 6 June 1776

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about the impending vote on the Virginia resolution for independence.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 9 June 1776

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren enclosing a treatise on fireships.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 16 June 1776

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about the importance of preventing British military domination of Canada and the influence of his Thoughts on Government on new state constitutions.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 15 July 1776

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren in praise of Gerry and about the military situation at New York.

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Reel 1
Philadelphia, 24 July 1776

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about smallpox epidemics and his desire to be replaced in Congress.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 26 July 1776

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren urging changes in the Massachusetts delegation in Congress.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 27 July 1776

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren urging changes in the Massachusetts delegation in Congress.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 17 Aug. 1776

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about the need for fuller reports on Massachusetts war activities.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 21 Aug. 1776

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about Boston defenses and Congress's neglect of naval matters.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 4 Sep. 1776

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about the New York military situation and the visit of Mr. Hare to Boston.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 8 Sep. 1776

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about his choice as a representative of Congress to meet with Lord Howe.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 25 Sep. 1776

Letter from John Adams to James Warren about Massachusetts enlistments.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 6 Nov. 1776

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about Massachusetts enlistments and the creation of the Massachusetts Board of War.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 16 Nov. 1776

Letter from [Samuel Adams] to James Warren about British military movements.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 4? Dec. 1776

Letter from [Samuel Adams] to James Warren about Massachusetts war measures and the apathy of New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 6 Dec. 1776

Letter from [Samuel Adams] to James Warren about the need for army clothing, faulty postal communications with New England, and the proposed winter attack on British ships.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 12 Dec. 1776

Letter from [Samuel Adams] to James Warren about the lethargy prevailing in New Jersey and Pennsylvania and the need for constant exertions in New England.

Reel 1
Baltimore, 1 Jan. 1777

Letter from [Samuel Adams] to James Warren about foreign affairs, etc.

Reel 1
Baltimore, 16 Jan. 1777

Letter from [Samuel Adams] to James Warren about money for Massachusetts bounties and the unwise requirements regarding votes of Massachusetts delegates in Congress.

Reel 1
London, 31 Jan. 1777

Copy of letter from Arthur Lee to John Adams about a scheme by the British to establish a colony on the lands of the Miskito people. In the hand of John Adams. Enclosed with letter from John Adams to James Warren, 18 Aug. 1777.

Reel 1
Baltimore, 1 Feb. 1777

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about the recent convention at Providence to deal with prices and recommendations for negotiating the sales and purchases of the Massachusetts Board of War.

Reel 1
London, 3 Feb. [1777]

Extract of letter from Arthur Lee about British preparations for war and the alienation of the British by the French. In the hand of John Adams. Enclosed with letter from John Adams to James Warren, 18 Aug. 1777.

Reel 1
Baltimore, 3 Feb. 1777

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about the political situation in the various states and the high cost of living.

Reel 1
Baltimore, 3 Feb. 1777

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about the necessity for an energetic recruiting campaign.

Reel 1
Baltimore, 11 Feb. 1777

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about his official expenses, 26 Apr. 1775-27 Aug. 1776.

Reel 1
Nantes, 11 Feb. 1777

Letter from Arthur Lee to John Adams about British military plans and the reasons for their eventual failure. In the hand of John Adams. Enclosed with letter from John Adams to James Warren, 18 Aug. 1777.

Reel 1
Baltimore, 12 Feb. 1777

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about his unsuccessful attempt to get an increase in the interest rate on Continental bonds and the purpose of the loan office.

Reel 1
Baltimore, 16 Feb. 1777

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about the need for drastic measures against the Loyalists.

Reel 1
Baltimore, 17 Feb. 1777

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about the improved caliber of the delegates in Congress.

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Philadelphia, 6 Mar. 1777

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about the Pennsylvania lottery and the high cost of living.

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Morristown, 15 Mar. 1777

Letter from George Washington to James Warren about recruiting in Massachusetts.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 18 Mar. 1777

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about Franco-American relations.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 21 Mar. 1777

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about the military alternatives open to the British army.

Reel 1
Boston, 21 Mar. 1777

Letter from James Warren to Mercy Otis Warren about Franco-American relations.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 24 Mar. 1777

Letter from John Adams to James Warren about the arrival of a supply of arms.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 26 Mar. 1777

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about a new type of field piece made out of bar iron.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 31 Mar. 1777

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about encouraging news from Europe.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 1 Apr. 1777

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren with a copy of the 17 Jan. 1777 letter to Congress from the American commissioners to France.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 6 Apr. 1777

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about the need for a reinvigorated naval program.

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Reel 1
Philadelphia, 6 Apr. 1777

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about the need for a reinvigorated naval program and the danger that Massachusetts trade will be far outstripped by that of other states.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 16 Apr. 1777

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about news from France and England.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 17 Apr. 1777

Letter from [Samuel Adams] to James Warren about news from France and England and plans for a campaign against the British in Rhode Island.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 29 Apr. 1777

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about the backwardness of recruiting in Massachusetts and the low morale of the American troops.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 2 May 1777

Letter from John Adams to James Warren introducing Nathan Brownson.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 3 May 1777

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about his doubts concerning the advantage to the U.S. of a war between France and England. Misdated April 3.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 6 May 1777

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about the establishment of a Navy Board in Boston.

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Morristown, 23 May 1777

Letter from George Washington to James Warren about the necessity for continued exertions on the part of Massachusetts and the priority of Continental demands over those of individual states.

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Philadelphia, 11 June 1777

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about plans for a new Massachusetts Constitution and speculations concerning Howe's plans.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 13 June 1777

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about the new Massachusetts General Court and the possibility of a British move against Philadelphia.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 19 June 1777

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about the necessity of continued military exertions in Massachusetts, the importance of the Navy Board, political dissensions in Massachusetts, and his expenses in Philadelphia.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 23 June 1777

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about American and British troop dispositions.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 30 June 1777

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about postal arrangements between Philadelphia and New England and the status of the proposed confederation.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 7 July 1777

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about shortages of men and arms, the proposed new Massachusetts Constitution, a bill for freeing enslaved people, and the Massachusetts governorship.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 22 July 1777

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about the evacuation of Ticonderoga.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 31 July 1777

Letter from [Samuel Adams] to James Warren about the evacuation of Ticonderoga and his opinion of Schuyler's military abilities.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 1 Aug. 1777

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about British movements and the investigation of the evacuation of Ticonderoga.

Reel 1
Stillwater, 6-11 Aug. 1777

Letters from John Glover to James Warren about military operations and the state of the troops at Stillwater.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 12 Aug. 1777

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about Howe's movements and the investigation of the Ticonderoga evacuation.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 12 Aug. 1777

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren enclosing a copy of Schuyler's letter to Hancock and about Schuyler's replacement by Gates.

Reel 1
Braintree, 14 Aug. 1777

Letter from Abigail Adams to Mercy Otis Warren about the need for a history of the times and news from France.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 18 Aug. 1777

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about Burgoyne's invasion and currency problems. Enclosed with copies of letters of Arthur Lee, 31 Jan. 1777, 2 Feb. 1777, and 11 Feb. 1777.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 17 Sep. 1777

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about the recent fighting near Philadelphia and the favorable military outlook.

Reel 1
York, Penn., 26 Oct. 1777

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about Burgoyne's surrender.

Reel 1
York, Penn., 29 Oct. 1777

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about the Articles of Confederation, his wish to be replaced as a Massachusetts delegate, the choice of a governor in Massachusetts, and currency depreciation.

Reel 1
York, Penn., 30 Oct. 1777

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about Hancock's speech to Congress on the occasion of returning to Boston on a leave of absence.

Reel 1
York, Penn., 4 Nov. 1777

Letter from [Samuel Adams] to James Warren about a vote in Congress.

Reel 1
Paris, 29 Nov. 1777

Letter from Arthur Lee to [Samuel Adams?] about the conduct of American affairs in France. Copy by Samuel Adams.

Reel 1
Valley Forge, 7 Mar. 1778

Letter from Martha Washington to Mercy Otis Warren. With photostat of same.

Reel 1
York, Penn., 25 May 1778

Letter from [Samuel Adams] to James Warren about funds for the Navy Board, Steuben's work with the army, and Hancock.

Reel 1
York, Penn., 1 June 1778

Letter from [Samuel Adams] to James Warren about Tory propaganda against the French alliance, the Massachusetts land grant for Arthur Lee, and naval matters.

Reel 1
Boston, 8 June 1778

Letter from James Warren to Mercy Otis Warren about Plymouth's refusal to re-elect him as its representative.

Reel 1
York, Penn., 13 June 1778

Letter from [Samuel Adams] to James Warren about the British peace mission and the Massachusetts land grant for Arthur Lee.

Reel 1
York, Penn., 19 June 1778

Letter from [Samuel Adams] to James Warren about Capt. Pierre Landais.

Reel 1
York, Penn., 20 June 1778

Letter from [Samuel Adams] to James Warren about Warren's failure to be re-elected to the General Court.

return to top of list

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 14 July 1778

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about the over-cordial treatment of the officers of the Convention Troops in Boston.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 15 July 1778

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about Congress's reception of the French minister and the progress of the Articles of Confederation.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 20 July 1778

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about George Johnstone's attempts to bribe American leaders, the French fleet, his dissent from the popular regard for Silas Deane's abilities and achievements, and difficulties in relations between the Navy Board and the Marine Committee of Congress.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 27 July 1778

Letter from [Samuel Adams] to James Warren about Capts. Manly, McNeil, and Landais.

Reel 1
Passy, 4 Aug. 1778

Letter from John Adams to James Warren about French interest in American affairs, the French fleet and British sea power, and American loyalty to the French alliance.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 9 Aug. 1778

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about his high regard for Richard Dana and his hopes for Warren's continuing influence in Massachusetts politics.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 1 Sep. 1778

Letter from [Samuel Adams] to James Warren about Capts. Manly and McNeil.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 12 Sep. 1778

Letter from [Samuel Adams] to James Warren about Capts. Manly and Landais and the Rhode Island expedition.

Reel 1
22 Sep. 1778

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about Ebenezer Hazard's historical enterprise.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 11 Oct. 1778

Letter from [Samuel Adams] to James Warren about current insinuations against Arthur Lee's conduct and his opinion of Silas Deane.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 14 Oct. 1778

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about current insinuations against Arthur Lee's conduct.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 17 Oct. 1778

Letter from [Samuel Adams] to James Warren about the sympathy in certain quarters in Boston for Harrison Gray and Sylvester Gardiner.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 20 Oct. 1778

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about the banquet given for d'Estaing in Boston.

Reel 1
Boston, 28 Oct. 1778

Draft of letter from James Warren to Henry Laurens, president of Congress, resigning from the Navy Board.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 3 Nov. 1778

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about affairs in Congress, foreign affairs, the French fleet, and funds for the Navy Board.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 8 Nov. 1778

Letter from Elbridge Gerry to James Warren about Capt. Manly and public morals in times of revolution.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 9 Nov. 1778

Letter from [Samuel Adams] to James Warren urging Warren to reconsider his resignation from the Navy Board.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 23 Nov. 1778

Letter from [Samuel Adams] to James Warren about Silas Deane's conduct while in Europe.

Reel 1
Passy, 2 Dec. 1778

Letter from John Adams to James Warren about his preference for modesty in public life and his eagerness to retire from all public office.

Reel 1
Braintree, 10 Dec. 1778

Letter of condolence from Abigail Adams to Mercy Otis Warren. Misdated 1779.

Reel 1
Passy, 18 Dec. 1778

Letter from John Adams to Mercy Otis Warren about her husband's intention of resigning from the Navy Board and his desire to write a history of the Revolution to be kept secret for 100 years.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 6 Jan. 1779

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about the character and conduct of Silas Deane.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 11 Feb. 1779

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about the contribution of virtue to the cause of liberty and the importance of not lowering educational standards in Massachusetts.

Reel 1
Passy, 25 Feb. 1779

Letter from John Adams to James Warren about Silas Deane's attack on Arthur Lee and taxation as the cure for American currency ills.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 23 Mar. 1779

Letter from [Samuel Adams] to James Warren about his desire to be replaced as a Massachusetts delegate in Congress.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 24 Mar. 1779

Letter from [Samuel Adams] to James Warren about Benjamin Franklin and Arthur Lee.

Reel 1
Middlebrook, 31 Mar. 1779

Letter from George Washington to James Warren about the decay of public virtue and the need for vigorous attack on problems of currency depreciation.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 11 May 1779

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about the failure of the attempt to recall Franklin and Lee.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 15 June 1779

Letter from James Lovell to James Warren about currency problems, etc.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 13 July 1779

Letter from James Lovell to James Warren about the fisheries as a subject in any peace negotiations and the reluctance of certain men to serve in Congress.

Reel 1
[Aug.? 1779]

Letter from John Adams to Mercy Otis Warren about the corrupting influences in American politics.

Reel 1
Braintree, 4 Aug. 1779

Copy of letter from John Adams, in James Warren's hand, to the president of Congress. 16 pages.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 13 Aug. 1779

Letter from James Lovell to James Warren about a recent attack on John Adams, the choice of Adams as a peace negotiator, and peace prospects.

Reel 1
Braintree, 11 Sep. 1779

Letter from John Adams to James Warren urging Richard Cranch's appointment as a judge.

Reel 1
Boston, [Dec. 1779]

Letter from [James Warren] to James Lovell about charges against the Navy Board.

return to top of list

Reel 1
Paris, 23 Feb. 1780

Letter from John Adams to James Warren about French naval assistance to the United States and the increasing strain on the British economy.

Reel 1
Braintree, 28 Feb. 1780

Letter from Abigail Adams to Mercy Otis Warren about news from Paris and her concern about her husband's exposed political position.

Reel 1
Paris, 16 Mar. 1780

Letter from John Adams to James Warren about his passage to France and the poor prospects of peace on American terms.

Reel 1
23 June 1780

Letter from John Adams to Abigail Adams ("Portia") about the loss of Charleston and the Gordon riots in London.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 3 Aug. 1780

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about Warren's account with the United States and the naval situation.

Reel 1
Braintree, 1 Sep. 1780

Letter from Abigail Adams to Mercy Otis Warren about the drought, etc.

Reel 1
Boston, 27 Sep. 1780

Letter from James Warren to Winslow Warren about Winslow's plans, economic conditions, and military news.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 3 Oct. 1780

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about the election of Hancock as governor of Massachusetts and aspersions on the character of the members of Congress.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, [24 Oct. 1780]

Letter from [Samuel Adams] to James Warren about the character of men in high office in Massachusetts.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 30 Oct. 1780

Letter from Arthur Lee to James Warren about the charge that he was responsible for the non-arrival of a shipment of army clothing on the Alliance.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 20 Nov. 1780

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about charges that he is in favor of temporary militia drafts rather than a permanent army and about the flattery of Hancock.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 5 Dec. 1780

Letter from James Lovell to James Warren about naval salaries and relations between the United States and Spain.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 25 Dec. 1780

Letter from Arthur Lee to James Warren about John Laurens's and Francis Dana's diplomatic missions and goods of his on the Alliance.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 1 Jan. 1781

Letter from [Samuel Adams] to James Warren enclosing, for publication in a Boston newspaper, a letter from John Sullivan to Hancock, published in New York, and his own comments on it.

Reel 1
Braintree, 8 Jan. 1781

Letter from Abigail Adams to Mercy Otis Warren about letters from her husband, etc.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 1 Feb. 1781

Letter from Samuel Adams to James Warren about the necessity of guarding against undue French influence in American affairs.

Reel 1
Braintree, 5 Mar. 1781

Letter from Abigail Adams to Mercy Otis Warren about British treatment of American prisoners and military news from the South.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 15 June 1781

Letter from [Arthur Lee] to James Warren about his goods on the Alliance, opposition to his election as secretary of foreign affairs, French intrigues against John Adams, and his distrust of French sincerity.

Reel 1
Boston, 15 June 1781

Letter from James Warren to Winslow Warren about the naval engagement in which James, Jr., was wounded.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 27 July 1781

Letter from [Arthur Lee] to James Warren about the American peace commission, dangers facing Adams from Franklin, his goods on the Alliance, and the Massachusetts land grant to him.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 8 Apr. 1782

Letter from Arthur Lee to James Warren about Deane's intercepted letters, Franklin's subservience to France, and the Vermont question.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 15 Apr. 1782

Letter from Arthur Lee to James Warren about financial matters.

Reel 1
July 1782

Letter from [Arthur Lee] to James Warren about Franklin's dishonesty and incapacity and the prospect of France making peace for the United States.

Reel 1
The Hague, 2 July 1782

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about the British military situation in America and peace prospects.

Reel 1
The Hague, 19 Aug. 1782

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about peace prospects.

Reel 1
The Hague, 6 Sep. 1782

Letter from John Adams to James Warren about his supreme satisfaction at having "planted the American standard at The Hague."

Reel 1
Princeton, 12 Dec. 1782

Letter from Arthur Lee to James Warren about Robert Morris's speculation, Philadelphia society, the preliminary peace treaty, the importance of keeping John Adams in Paris to "counteract the treachery of old Franklin." Misdated 1783.

Reel 1
Paris, 15 Dec. 1782

Letter from [John Adams] to James Warren about the preliminary treaty with England.

Reel 1
Paris, 29 Jan. 1783

Letter from John Adams to Mercy Otis Warren about her history of the Revolution, his Dutch negotiations, and the necessity for his staying in public service after the peace.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 19 Feb. 1783

Letter from Arthur Lee to James Warren about his Massachusetts land grant, the lack of news on the peace, and the financial quotas of the states.

Reel 1
Paris, 20 Mar. 1783

Letter from John Adams to James Warren about delays in signing the definitive treaty of peace, commercial negotiations with England, the U.S. and European balance of power, and the faulty conduct of American foreign affairs.

Reel 1
Paris, 21 Mar. 1783

Letter from John Adams to James Warren about commercial negotiations with England, his opinion of Vergennes as one who is no friend of the U.S., his doubt of British repentance, and the likelihood of economic disturbance in England and extensive emigration to the U.S.

Reel 1
Paris, 12 Apr. 1783

Letter from John Adams to James Warren about the preliminary treaty with England and other American diplomatic successes in Europe.

Reel 1
Paris, 13 Apr. 1783

Letter from John Adams to James Warren about the selfishness, vanity, ambition, etc., of Franklin.

Reel 1
16 Apr. 1783

Letter from John Adams to James Warren about future French jealousy of an independent U.S. and Lafayette as a potential source of "mischief."

return to top of list

Reel 1
Boston, 19 May 1783

Letter from Elbridge Gerry to Samuel Holten about his withdrawal from Congress and Winslow Warren's candidacy for a consulship.

Reel 1
Princeton, 13 Aug. 1783

Letter from Arthur Lee to James Warren about moving Congress back to Philadelphia and his Massachusetts land grant.

Reel 1
Paris, 10 Sep. 1783

Letter from John Adams to James Warren about negotiating a commercial treaty with England and Franklin's malicious influence upon Dana's Russian negotiation.

Reel 1
Paris, 10 Sep. 1783

Letter from John Adams to Mercy Otis Warren about his wish for retirement and with a tribute to James Otis.

Reel 1
Princeton, 17 Sep. 1783

Letter from Arthur Lee to James Warren about his attempt to get Congress to investigate the question of army clothing supplies.

Reel 1
Princeton, 16 Oct. 1783

Letter from Arthur Lee to James Warren about Congress's discussion of the question of consuls.

Reel 1
Providence, 26 Nov. 1783

Letter from Jabez Bowen to James Warren about Rhode Island import duties and his opposition to any increase of Congress's power.

Reel 1
New York, 8 Aug. 1784

Letter from Arthur Lee to James Warren introducing a group of South Carolinians touring New England and about his Massachusetts land grant.

Reel 1
Auteuil, 27 Aug. 1784

Letter from John Adams to James Warren about his Auteuil house and garden and the false economy of Congress in cutting his salary.

Reel 1
Auteuil, 5 Sep. 1784

Letter from Abigail Adams to Mercy Otis Warren about French life and society. Body of letter in the handwriting of John Quincy Adams.

Reel 1
Auteuil, 13 Dec. 1784

Letter from John Adams to Mercy Otis Warren about his life in France, the unlikelihood of his ever resuming his literary pursuits, and Mrs. Graham.

Reel 1
Auteuil, 26 Apr. 1785

Letter from John Adams to James Warren about the Massachusetts governorship and his opinion of Sir John Temple's character.

Reel 1
Mount Vernon, 9 June 1785

Letter from Martha Washington to Mercy Otis Warren about Mrs. Graham and George Washington's high regard for Gen. Warren.

Reel 1
New York, 15 July 1785

Letter from Catharine Macaulay Graham to Mercy Otis Warren about her plans for living in the south of France and abandoning a proposed American edition of her history.

Reel 1
Mount Vernon, 7 Oct. 1785

Letter from George Washington to James Warren about the inadequacy of Congress's powers, the advantages of agricultural societies, and the political importance of projected internal improvements in Virginia.

Reel 1
London, 12 Dec. 1785

Letter from John Adams to Mercy Otis Warren about his preference for Braintree rather than London and his distress over post-war conditions in the United States.

Reel 1
London, 24 May 1786

Letter from Abigail Adams to Mercy Otis Warren about her son Charles and political attacks on Gen. Warren.

Reel 1
London, 4 July 1786

Letter from John Adams to James Warren about American tribute money for the Algerian pirates, the European market for American whale oil, and economic measures needed in the United States.

Reel 1
London, 9 Jan. 1787

Letter from John Adams to James Warren about post-war conditions in the United States, his belief in the necessity of a strong executive, and his Defence of the Constitutions of Government.

Reel 1
Cambridge, 26 Feb. 1787

Letter from James Winthrop to Mercy Otis Warren about her history of the Revolution and recommending a more favorable treatment of Hutchinson.

Reel 1
Knightsbridge, 6 Mar. 1787

Letter from Catharine Macaulay Graham to Mercy Otis Warren about Shays' Rebellion and Anglo-French relations.

Reel 1
London, 14 May 1787

Letter from Abigail Adams to Mercy Otis Warren about London society, the Prince of Wales's marriage, and Henry Warren's participation in the campaign against Shays.

Reel 1
30 May 1787

Letter from Henry Knox to Mercy Otis Warren about the evils of the present American political system.

Reel 1
21 Aug. 1787

Letter from Henry Knox to Mercy Otis Warren about his hopes for the outcome of the Federal Convention.

Reel 1
Knightsbridge, Nov. 1787

Letter from Catharine Macaulay Graham to Mercy Otis Warren about the proposed federal Constitution.

Reel 1
Binfield, Berkshire, Mar. 1788

Letter from Catharine Macaulay Graham to Mercy Otis Warren about ratification of the U.S. Constitution and Hastings's trial.

Reel 1
9 Mar. 1788

Letter from Samuel A. Otis to James Warren about Navy Board accounts.

Reel 1
Cambridge, 26 Aug. 1788

Letter from James Winthrop to Mercy Otis Warren about North Carolina's vote on the new Constitution.

Reel 1
Binfield, Berkshire, 29 Oct. 1788

Letter from Catharine Macaulay Graham to Mercy Otis Warren about the American Constitution.

Reel 1
Braintree, 2 Mar. 1789

Letter from John Adams to Mercy Otis Warren about his enjoyment of his recent months at Braintree and his election as vice president.

Reel 1
New York, 29 Mar. 1789

Letter from Henry Knox to Mercy Otis Warren about the new political era facing the U.S.

Reel 1
Cambridge, 13 July 1790

Letter from James Winthrop to Mercy Otis Warren about subscriptions for her history and Hannah Winthrop's death.

Reel 1
Cambridge, 3 Aug. 1791

Letter from James Winthrop to Mercy Otis Warren about Gibbon's history and Mrs. Graham's reply to Burke.

Reel 1
Ft. Washington, 22 Sep. 1791

Letter from Arthur St. Clair to Winslow Warren about the Harmar court-martial.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 12 Jan. 1792

Letter from Henry Knox to Mercy Otis Warren about the death of her son George Warren.

return to top of list

Reel 1
Boston, 4 Mar. 1796

Letter from Judith Sargent Murray to Mercy Otis Warren about her proposed volume of essays.

Reel 1
Providence, 20 Apr. 1796

Letter from Jabez Bowen to Mercy Otis Warren about news of his family, etc.

Reel 1
Quincy, 4 Mar. 1797

Letter from Abigail Adams to Mercy Otis Warren about her husband's election to the presidency.

Reel 1
Quincy, 1 Oct. 1797

Letter from Abigail Adams to Mercy Otis Warren about problems raised by the epidemic in Philadelphia.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 15 Mar. 1798

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Mercy Otis Warren about Franco-American relations.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 25 Apr. 1798

Letter from Abigail Adams to Mercy Otis Warren about Franco-American relations.

Reel 1
Philadelphia, 17 June 1798

Letter from Abigail Adams to Mercy Otis Warren about Franco-American relations.

Reel 1
Braintree, 4 Aug. 1799

Letter from John Adams to Henry Laurens, president of Congress, about the future course of American foreign relations. Copy by James Warren.

Reel 1
Quincy, 5 Oct. 1799

Letter from Abigail Adams to Mercy Otis Warren about plans for returning to Philadelphia and Barruel on Jacobinism.

Reel 1
Providence, 29 Dec. 1799

Letter from Jabez Bowen to Mercy Otis Warren about his wife's illness.

Reel 1
2 June 1800

Letter from Jabez Bowen to Mercy Otis Warren about his wife's death.

Reel 1
Quincy, 16 Jan. 1803

Letter from Abigail Adams to Mercy Otis Warren about the recent republication of John Adams's intercepted letter of 1775 to James Warren.

Reel 1
Quincy, 30 Aug. 1803

Letter from John Adams to Mercy Otis Warren about his wife's illness.

Reel 1
Providence, 10 Mar. 1805

Letter from Jabez Bowen to Mercy Otis Warren about subscriptions for Warren's history.

Reel 1
Boston, 1 June 1805

Letter from Judith Sargent Murray to Mercy Otis Warren about subscriptions for Warren's history.

Reel 1
Wilmington, 25 Sep. 1805

Letter from John Dickinson to Mercy Otis Warren about James Otis and her history. Signature clipped.

Reel 1
Wilmington, 22 Dec. 1806

Letter from John Dickinson to Mercy Otis Warren about the Jews and the course of events in France.

Reel 1
Cambridge, 4 Feb.-11 Mar. 1807

Letters from James Winthrop to Mercy Otis Warren about her history.

Reel 1
Quincy, 9 Mar. 1807

Letter from Abigail Adams to Mercy Otis Warren with observations on the changes they have witnessed, her husband's opinion of Napoleon, and Burr's conspiracy.

Reel 1
Cambridge, 15 Sep. 1807

Letter from Elbridge Gerry to Mercy Otis Warren about a controversy arising out of her history.

Reel 1
Cambridge, 2 Nov. 1807

Letter from Elbridge Gerry to Mercy Otis Warren about the passages in her history that have occasioned a break between her and John Adams.

Reel 1
Cambridge, 3 May 1808

Letter from James Winthrop to Mercy Otis Warren about misrepresentations of the embargo.

Reel 1
Cambridge, 1 Oct. 1808

Letter from James Winthrop to Mercy Otis Warren about her review of his book.

Reel 1
Washington, 28 Nov. 1808

Letter from Samuel L. Mitchill to Mercy Otis Warren acknowledging the gift of Warren's history to the Library or Congress.

Reel 1
Cambridge, 11 Dec. 1808

Letter of condolence from James Winthrop to Mercy Otis Warren on the death of James Warren.

return to top of list

Reel 1
Boston, 4 Feb. 1809

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Mercy Otis Warren refusing to discuss politics with her.

Reel 1
Cambridge, 5 June 1809

Letter from Elbridge Gerry to Mercy Otis Warren about the narrow escape from civil war over administration policies.

Reel 1
Cambridge, 4 Sep. 1809

Letter from James Winthrop to Mercy Otis Warren about the decrease of ignorance in religious matters.

Reel 1
Cambridge, 12 Nov. 1809

Letter from James Winthrop to Mercy Otis Warren about sending her Dickinson's works and his Appendix to the New Testament.

Reel 1
Cambridge, 25 July 1810

Letter from James Winthrop to Mercy Otis Warren about his views on prophecy.

Reel 1
Cambridge, 11 Nov. 1810

Letter from James Winthrop to James Warren, Jr., about repercussions in England of that country's policy toward neutrals.

Reel 1
Cambridge, 11 Nov. 1810

Letter from James Winthrop to Mercy Otis Warren about the prophecies. Enclosed in letter from Winthrop to James Warren, Jr., 11 Nov. 1810.

Reel 1
Cambridge, 14 Dec. 1810

Letter from James Winthrop to James Warren, Jr., about local political support of Gerry.

Reel 1
Cambridge, 14 Dec. 1810

Letter from James Winthrop to Mercy Otis Warren about his patronage of Democratic newspapers and his study of Russian. Enclosed in letter from Winthrop to James Warren, Jr., 14 Dec. 1810.

Reel 1
Cambridge, 7 Nov. 1811

Letter from Elbridge Gerry to Mercy Otis Warren attempting to effect a reconciliation between her and John Adams.

Reel 1
Quincy, 14 Dec. 1811

Letter from Abigail Adams to Mercy Otis Warren about her daughter's operation, etc.

Reel 1
Cambridge, 8 Feb. 1812

Letter from James Winthrop to Mercy Otis Warren about Adoniram Judson and foreign missions.

Reel 1
Cambridge, 13 Dec. 1812

Letter from James Winthrop to Mercy Otis Warren about the "extreme depravity" of Russia showed by its scorched-earth policy during the French invasion.

Reel 1
Cambridge, 17-19 Dec. 1812

Letter from Elbridge Gerry to Mercy Otis Warren about the significance of Madison's re-election and attempts to effect a reconciliation between her and John Adams.

Reel 1
Quincy, 28 Jan. 1813

Letter from John Adams to Elbridge Gerry about state rivalries and the assertion that the first American flag was hoisted by John Manley and the first British flag was struck to him.

Reel 1
Cambridge, 28 Feb. 1813

Letter from James Winthrop to Mercy Otis Warren about Napoleon's Russian defeat, scripture prophesies, and the failure of American missionaries to gain admission to India.

Reel 1
Quincy, 9 Apr. 1813

Letter from Abigail Adams to Mercy Otis Warren about the outcome of current world events.

Reel 1
Cambridge, 20 Apr. 1813

Letter from Elbridge Gerry to Mercy Otis Warren about the reconciliation between her and John Adams.

Reel 1
Quincy, 20 June 1813

Letter from Abigail Adams to Mercy Otis Warren about her daughter's illness and her disapproval of the recent anti-war resolution of the Massachusetts General Court.

Reel 1
Quincy, 11 July 1813

Letter from Abigail Adams to Mercy Otis Warren about her pride in J. Q. Adams's public service and about her daughter's health. Signature clipped.

Reel 1
Quincy, 8 Aug. 1813

Letter from Abigail Adams to Mercy Otis Warren about her daughter's illness.

Reel 1
Quincy, 5 Sep. 1813

Letter from Abigail Adams to Mercy Otis Warren about her daughter's death.

Reel 1
Quincy, 1 Nov. 1813

Letter from Abigail Adams to Mercy Otis Warren about her inability to go to Plymouth and J. Q. Adams's letters to his son.

Reel 1
Quincy, 21 Feb. 1814

Letter from Abigail Adams to Mercy Otis Warren. Signature clipped.

Reel 1
Quincy, 24 Mar. 1814

Letter from John Adams to Mercy Otis Warren about the death of Warren's grandchild, a letter from J. Q. Adams, and an anecdote of Baron de Stael.

Reel 1
Quincy, 5 May 1814

Letter from Abigail Adams to Mercy Otis Warren about the death of Samuel A. Otis.

Reel 1
Boston, 3 May 1822

Letter from Harrison Gray Otis to Henry Warren about selling his farm.

Preferred Citation

Warren-Adams papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.

Access Terms

This collection is indexed under the following headings in ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog using these headings.


Adams family.
Adams, Abigail, 1744-1818.
Adams, John, 1735-1826.
Adams, Samuel, 1722-1803.
Bowdoin, James, 1726-1790.
Dickinson, John, 1732-1808.
Gerry, Elbridge, 1744-1814.
Knox, Henry, 1750-1806.
Lee, Arthur, 1740-1792.
Warren family.
Warren, James, 1726-1808.
Warren, Mercy Otis, 1728-1814.
Washington, George, 1732-1799.


United States. President (1797-1801 : Adams).


Boston Massacre, 1770.
Boston Tea Party, 1773.
Bunker Hill, Battle of, 1775.
Lexington, Battle of, 1775.
Massachusetts--History--Revolution, 1775-1783--Personal narratives.
Massachusetts--History--Revolution, 1775-1783--Public opinion.
Politicians' spouses.
United States--History--Revolution, 1775-1783--Causes.
United States--History--Revolution, 1775-1783--Women.
United States--Politics and government--1775-1783.
United States--Politics and government--1783-1809.
Women authors, American--Massachusetts.